Thursday, February 26, 2009

Beautiful Day!

Today is absolutely gorgeous outside! I have to pinch myself to remember that it is still February. It just a wonderful spring day. Light wind blowing and tons of sunshine.

I was able to do the laundry and hang it out on the line to dry. Hanging clothes out is one of the great joys in my life. I totally enjoy the whole process. I'm not really sure why that is. I wait anxiously each year for the weather to turn so I can start again. I know that Steve doesn't understand this feeling. He just slaps the clothes up any which way. He doesn't understand that there is a particular way to hang each piece just so, edges lined up, pairs next to each other, etc...

The smell of clothes that have been lined dried can not be beat. It is as if the sun has seeped into the fabric. I think there are many companies that spend large amounts of money trying to capture that sent in fabric softener. It just can't be done.

The wonderfulness of the day is even making me able to overlook that the drains must be clogged because the washer overflowed in the garage. Thank goodness for wonderful husbands to go along with wonderful weather.

Friday, February 20, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday

Some of the other bloggers do this on Friday so I thought it would be a good thing for me to start. It will ensure that I write something at least once a week and it's pretty easy to come up with 7 little things to jot down.

1. This week went by very quickly. Sometimes it scares me how fast it travels. Before I know it I'll be ready for retirement. Wait, how is that scary?

2. Jilly had a President's Day oral report that she gave on Monday. Steve was able to go to this program. She did her report over George H. W. Bush. Steve said she did a great job and is a natural performer. She was one of just a couple of kids who would look up from the report and speak to the crowd. She also was able to ad lib little quips that had the audience laughing. She loves the attention and can't wait to have the chance to be on stage sometime. I'll have to look into getting her some acting workshops.

3. Drake is his normal self. He keeps coming home saying he 'earned' money at school. Apparently, he takes money from others to perform tricks/feats/errands. Usually it's just enough to buy a soda from the machine. I'm not sure what to do about this problem. He isn't doing anything wrong, just eating gross things or fetching things for other kids. It seems to me that he has a mind for business. LOL! I have counseled him on how it's wrong to take money from others and he better make sure they understand and 'want' to give him the money.

4. Our pharmacy intern,Travis,isn't coming into work today. His mother is coming home from the hospital today. She has been in the hospital since the middle of November. We are so happy for him and his family. They are such a close family and deserve to spend quality time together. Please, everyone, continue to pray for his mother's recovery.

5. We recieved several textbooks this week. I'm so excited about starting school this summer with the kids. I really think we will make great progress with them. I still get overwhelmed with the details of schooling but know that it is something that will be able to be overcome. Plus, why worry about details, right? ;)

6. I got a sample of India Tulsi Tea this week. I'm not a huge tea drinker but I gave it a try. WOW! It was not what I was expecting at all. I've never had a tea that was spicy before. Spicy, as in tingle the tongue. It was the strangest thing ever. The tea wasn't bad to taste just way unexpected.

7. Steve and Dave are busy again on their story. I think they have changed the latest story from a screenplay into a novel. They strive to write at least 500 words a day. I can't wait to read the finished product. I think the boys have a talent and don't care if nothing ever comes of their work. I think it is important to have the stories for the kids to read something that their father cared about.

Ok, that makes seven. Believe it or not, that was harder to do than I thought it would be.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Don't fall in love....

I once heard a quote..."the key to a long life is to not fall in love with your bed." I thought that it was a quote from George Burns but I can't find anything to link him to it.
For some reason this quote has stuck with me for years. When I'm lying in bed and just really don't want to move it has a habit of popping up in my brain. I wish that I could remove it. Really, I do! I want to be able to be one of those people that can just lounge around in bed until noon. I would love to be able to call my kids into school 'sick' because we needed to stay asleep for several more hours.
Then that stupid thought pops up and out of bed I go. Eight o'clock is the farthest I've been able to push it. Isn't that sad? I guess I will have to be one of those people who are out and about at the crack of dawn. Now we will have to wait and see if it truly is the key to a long life.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


As you know I've been playing on a lot lately. On the site there is this phenomena known as "25 Random Things About Me." This has spawned several different incarnations, one of which is about your high school days. One of the questions is about your car that you drove during high school. There has been much lamenting about the horrible things that our parents forced us to drive.
Being a parent now, we all know what our parents were, cost, availability, etc... Back then it was a different story. We were all convinced that our parents were teaching us lessons in humility. I know that I drove an abominable car, a orange pinto wagon with racing stripes! Who even designed a car like this? When was it EVER in style?
It got me to thinking what my kids will be driving when the time comes. I do think that I'll offer the use of one of the family cars. Right now the choices are a tan Toyota Corolla or a blue Toyota Matrix. Neither bad looking but definitely not high on the cool scale. Will our kids moan and groan to their peers about what awful things we are subjecting upon them? I know I would have killed to have either of those two choices.
I wonder what my parents thought when we moaned about what we drove. Did they think back to what they had driven? I'm sure there is a story about snow, barefoot, uphill both ways in there somewhere. I'll have to start working on my poor me story to have it down pat for when my time comes to share with my kids.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Newtons Third Law

Newton's Third Law of Motion:
III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Last night when I was tucking Drake into bed for the night (yes, I get to still tuck), he said that they were reviewing Newtons third law of motion in class. He told me that it got him to thinking...."If every action has an equal and opposite reaction, does that mean that since I play video games so much that video games play me?"

I thought this was a very interesting thought. How many things can we apply this logic to in our lives? Really makes you think doesn't it. Not bad for a thirteen year old.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I'm not sure that is a real word or not but I want to wax poetic about 'viewership' of blogs. One of the blogs I follow is written by a lady that was a neighbor when I was growing up. It seems that she has a fairly well known blog. Where mine isn't read by seemingly anyone (note followers).

She wrote a blog about being discouraged about the amount of viewers she gets on her blog. She wondered if it was all worth it etc... While she acknowledged that it was just a momentary depression that needed some outlet, she was still worried about how many people read her stuff. I wonder why that is. Do we really blog to be read by others or just to document our experiences?

I would love to say that I only write here to document my thoughts. I added the follower button on the side to see if anyone checked my blog regularly. It is a vanity thing. It shouldn't be that way. I want to be writing here just so I can look back over a course of time and see that my life has substance. It may not be the substance that others want for themselves but that's the way life. God made each of us different for a purpose. Maybe one day that will sink in to my tiny brain.