Sunday, January 27, 2008


Well, another week is done. They really do seem to fly by us.
We spent the week developing a 60 second video clip for Steve to enter a contest. It was a lot of fun to try different ideas. I say a lot of fun.....we also argued a lot!

We all played our parts...

Steve was the unappreciated lead actor. If only we could understand how difficult his job was to do!

I was the controlling director/cameraman. Mine were the only ideas that were any good and I could understand why they just wouldn't do what I told them!

Drake was the frustrated editor. He just couldn't make us understand that there are some things that just can't be done. For some reason his parents had to be proven that what he said was the truth even though they had no idea how to do the job he did!

Jilly was the adorable child actor. The one that is unaffected by the chaos around her. She didn't have to practice her lines and they always came across perfectly.

Well, we all survived and we turned in the application. It is to win a "job" with Disney as the Chief Magic Official. Steve will be great at this type of thing. We also wanted to show the kids that if you don't try for things you will never achieve anything.
Looking back we had fun doing it. If he gets to the finals you can bet I'll be calling everyone I know to vote for him!!

Here is the video

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