Thursday, January 27, 2011

OUCH!! The Disney Bug bit me!

I've been bitten by the bug to go back to Walt Disney World.  I'm not sure if it is the thoughts of the above picture that has made me ready to go back.  It encompasses the idea of a fantasy world where everything is happy and bright.

Maybe, it's this scene that is pulling me back, with the thoughts of carefree strolls and time to enjoy the scenery.  The idea that I can step away from my activities and they will be waiting, patiently, for me to return.
Or, the excitement of visiting exotic locals, all within easy walking distance from one another.  The attention to detail.  The authenticity of each setting.  Visiting with the people from each country and finding out about their lives before and during their American experience.

Goodness, maybe it is something like this little guy that has bitten me! (Yes, this is a picture from WDW.)

After thinking and weighing all the options, I'm pretty sure I know what it is that keeps calling me back to the World.  It's this...
and this...
and this...
and this...
and this...
To sum it up in words, it is the time we spend together and the memories that linger, that make me want to return again and again!!


Megan said...

Sounds lovely. I'd love to take my girls sometime, but not sure it's ever going to happen. :)

Unknown said...

Megan, there is a Disney trip to fit all budgets! You give me a budget and I'll find what we can fit in for you guys!