Monday, April 2, 2012

Going Vegan!?! WHAT?

Well, I guess I'll come out of the proverbial closet.  I am switching to a whole-foods, plant-based lifestyle.  This is otherwise known as Vegan.  Now mind you, I'm not a PETA member nor feel that eating animal products is going to send you to Hell.  It is just a choice that I am making to improve my health.  After reading numerous articles and watching many documentaries, I truly feel that this is a good choice for everyone but I only control myself.

We have been at it for a week now.  Besides one dinner (a previously paid for and fixed banquet meal) we have not had any meat containing meals.  We are also going to be removing dairy products as well but did have some cheese on a couple of dishes this past week.  I think it is going great!

I've had more energy than I've had in months.  I've slept very well.  My head feels clearer, not foggy.  I have not had any cravings, either.  I do think that it helped that we gave up processed sugars a month or so ago.  It seems really easy so far.  I know it's been just a short time but I really think it will stick because we already notice a difference in how we feel.  When we did have the big banquet dinner, we all felt sluggish and almost sick afterwards.  Definitely not ready for a walk or work.

I know that you are all sitting there thinking I've lost my marbles.  Thinking that Sally is having another one of her crazy ideas.  Maybe you are right.  I guess only time will tell. 

I'd love to hear what you think.  If you have any vegan meals that you cook and love, please send it my way.  I'm really working at making our "normal" meals vegan.

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