Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Book Review: Moonstone by Marilee Brothers

Here is another teen with magical powers book.  Everyone seems to be trying to cash in on the Twilight/Harry Potter craze.  I don't know why  authors seems to be unable to have an original idea.  I really think that young adults would be happy with a book that doesn't involve witches, werewolves, or vampires.  OK, I will now remove myself from the soapbox and continue my review.

Moonstone is centered around our heroine, Allie.  Allie has no idea that "magic" really exists, let alone that she has a destiny intertwined with the magical world.  Much like other popular teen magic stories, Allie comes from a broken home with a mother that seems to be a "good-for-nothing."  Thus, she has grown up faster that the average teen and has many adult like responsibilities.

The characters in Moonstone are fully developed even if several of them are unlikeable.   I found myself really detesting some of the lazier characters in the story.  I don't often find myself disliking a book because of secondary characters but this may be one of the exceptions.  That being said, I did like how real the characters actions were in different situations.  Allie seems to struggle with some of her decisions to be good.  She also isn't always nice to everyone.  Come on, who in the real world is always perky and sweet?  I also liked her love interest in the story.  He isn't your typical prince charming type.  He is an ex-gang member whom the police and everyone else thinks is still trouble.

Would I recommend this book?  I think I would recommend it to a real young adult but not to other adults that like reading juvenile fiction.  Will I read the other two books in the series?  Yes, but only when I'm wanting something simple and quick to read without the need to invest much into it.

I received a copy of The Moonstone Series from Bell Bridge Books through for review.  I was not required to give a favorable review and all views are my own.

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