Monday, February 8, 2010

Homeschooling is for every household member

We are now into our eighth month of homeschooling. I can't believe that we are almost done with a whole year of school. Time really has flown by. We, each, have learned so much this year that it astounds me.

We no longer get the "I wish I were in public school" or "I hate homeschool" statements anymore. We often hear "I really like homeschool" or "I can't imaging having "real" school anymore." These statements are such a joy to hear. It is just like we read about before starting this journey. It takes several months for the kids to get used to the new, more independent, type of school work. Once they get used to it, they can't imaging having to move along at someone else's pace.

Each member of our family has grown so much over the year. Steve is learning guitar, I am learning crochet, Drake is learning drums, & Jilly is learning more art techniques. We have grown closer as a family, also. We understand each other better and usually are more patient with each other than we were before starting this adventure.

I am so thankful that we started this journey. I now only wish that we had started it earlier.

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