Monday, October 5, 2009

Busy week

We had a super busy and fun week last week. We were able to do things as a family that we wouldn't have even tried while we were working full time.

First we started making pinatas. We made three of them. Two for Jillian's 4-H demonstration and one for her birthday party. We decorated the one for her party like a flower garden. That wasn't the original plan but sometimes you have to go with the flow of the project.

We also planned a birthday party for Jilly. She wanted a 50's party. We had the girls dress up in their poodle skirts and we took them to a 50's style diner. They sat at the counter and had malts. It was a great time for everyone. When they came back to the house we had individual cookie cakes made for them. We then put out different colors of icing and let them decorate their own cookie. I never thought this would be as much fun as it turned out to be. Between the four girls they used two tubs of icing! Talk about sugar overload.
The last part of the party was breaking the pinata. This was really fun. Our pinata was hard to break open. They broke the strings holding it before the pinata itself. We left it on the ground and took turns hitting it until it opened.

Besides all that, we worked a concession stand for 4-H at the Thomas bullriding, went to co-op where Jilly learned to embroider, and did a full weeks worth of school work.

What a great week!

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