Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm so excited!!

I'm so excited!  I've been selected to attend the Women of Faith conference this fall in OKC for free.  I applied through, which is one of the sites that sends me books to review.  I'll be posting facebook updates during the sessions and blogging about what I learn/see.  That is what I have to do to earn my tickets.  Not a bad deal, if I do say so myself.

This is the first time I've ever been selected to blog about something this big.  Here is a preview video about what the weekend will include.

If anyone is interested in going, please give me a call.  Perhaps we can ride together.  At the very least, we can talk about what and who we are excited about seeing there.  I'm really psyched to see Lisa Whelchel, homeschool mom & former "Facts of Life" actress, and Andy Andrews, author of "The Final Summit." 
Have any of you out there ever been to one of these before?  Let me know what you think.

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