I've spent a while browsing through the book. I really like how the devotionals are broken up into different topics. The topics include hope and fear, love and hate, perseverance and quitting, faith and doubt, loyalty and betrayal, companionship and isolation, mercy and judgment, forgiveness and anger, joy and sadness, and finally peace and conflict. It seems like a very thourough list to me.
Each days devotional begins with a passage of scripture. All of the scriptures used are from the Old Testament. Below the passages the author breaks down the passage and what it can mean for our lives today. Out of the devotionals that I've read, I've found the author very insightful and uplifting.
Another aspect of the book that I liked was that it was listed as "Day 1" etc.. instead of "January 1." I always felt pressured with the calender type devotionals. LOL!! I guess that is just my OCD coming out.
Would I recommend this book? If you are looking for a devotional that focuses on the Old Testament, then a resounding "YES" could be heard from me. It is concise and insightful. I'm excited to use this book over the coming year.

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